Gene Guy McCoy

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Roller-Chenal Funeral Home Chapel
13801 Chenal Parkway
Little Rock, AR  72211
Friday, January 6, 2006
4:00 P.M.
Gene Guy McCoy

of Little Rock, AR

May 11, 1926 - January 2, 2006

Gene Guy McCoy, 79, of Little Rock passed away Monday, January 2, 2006. He was born May 11, 1926 in Mahaska County Hospital, Oskaloosa, Iowa to Edith Emogene Seaman McCoy and Gene Eugene McCoy. Gene's mother was born in a sod-house on the edge of the Rosebud Indian Reservation in Nebraska where his grandfather was a U. S. Marshal. His father, an Illinois farmboy, was a US Marine in World War I who spent Armistice Day 1918 in a French hospital suffering from a chlorine gas attack. Gene, an airborne infantryman in World War II, spent V-E Day, May 8, 1945, hospitalized in France with shrapnel wounds. For this reason, Veterans' Day always held special significance for Gene.

When he was six months old, Gene's family moved to Waterloo, Iowa, where his father, a traveling salesman with Winchester Repeating Arms, was transferred. When Gene was five years old, his father outfitted him with a .410 shotgun, starting a lifelong appreciation of hunting and trap shooting.

Gene grew up in Waterloo dreaming of becoming a major league baseball player. At Alton High School in Alton, Illinois, he lettered in baseball, basketball, football and wrestling, and he was a scratch golfer by the time he was 16. But baseball was his sport. He signed a contract with the St. Louis Browns, but his mother insisted he finish high school before he could leave home. By the time Gene graduated in 1944, he was head over heels in love with brilliant, beautiful Idella (Del) Maria Theresa Brown, the woman who chose to spend her life with him. World War II postponed Gene and Del's marriage plans, as Gene was with the 101st Airborne Division from 1944 until the end of the war.

Gene's unit, Company F of the 22nd Regiment, liberated the Dachau concentration camp on April 29, 1945. Gene became the youngest (19) Sergeant Major in the history of the 39th Infantry Regiment, a regiment dating to the Revolutionary War.

While in Europe, Gene transferred to the First Special Service, where he was a purchasing and contracting agent who booked out-of-work circus performers into 13 hotels and nightclubs at the military resort in Berchtesgaden, Germany.

On August 8, 1947, Gene and Del were married in 108 degree heat. They spent their first years together in Madison, Wisconsin, where Gene earned a bachelor's degree in business at the University of Wisconsin in 1951. He was awarded a Masters in Business Administration by the University of Iowa in 1952.

Gene III, the first of Gene and Del's four children, was born one year after their marriage, in August 1948, followed by Vicki in 1951, Randi in 1955, and Sherman in 1958.

Gene was known for his mental acuity and independent thinking. Gene supported his family as advertising manager for W.M. McAllister department stores in Sycamore, Illinois in 1952-53, and moved to Little Rock, Arkansas in 1953 where he as account supervisor for Gerald T. LeFever and Associates. In 1958, they founded Ad Craft of Arkansas, an advertising, public relations consulting, graphic arts manufacturing and production company. Gene had served as chairman of the board of Ad Craft since 1978. Three of their children enjoyed careers at Ad Craft, and Vicki, who married and moved to Houston, also worked in the advertising business.

Gene was also an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas Little Rock from 1962 -1994, where he taught advertising, public relations, journalism and marketing.

In 1967, Gene and Del designed a five-level home on the highest point in Little Rock overlooking the Arkansas River valley. Once their home was build, they continued their passion for travel. They visited Europe, Egypt, Israel, China, Peru, Australia and India, always happy to be together on a new adventure. Gene and Del visited more than 70 countries on six continents, but a highlight of their travels were African safaris, of which they took four Mozambique in 1967, Kenya in 1975, Zimbabwe in 1987, and Tanzania in 1990.

Realizing the importance of keeping a diary of their travels, Gene kept written records while Del recorded their many trips on film.

One of their more memorable safaris was to Tanzania in the fall of 1990, where Gene was responsible for providing the meat for a crew of 15. Vegetables and fruit were packed in, but only Gene and his excellent marksmanship could provide food, bait and trophies, which he did.

On the second to the last day of safari, Del, who had become a proficient spotter, alerted Gene to a leopard at 75 yards. Gene got his hunting wish when he brought in the leopard, and on his return to camp he was hoisted onto the shoulders of other safari members in reverence and appreciation.

Gene received many honors and awards throughout his career for professional, academic and civic recognitions. Among the ones he most cherished were the American Advertising Federation's Serling Service Award, and the Arkansas Advertising Silver Medal Award. He was the only American honored with the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) Gold Medallion President's Award for outstanding contributions to international relations and understanding, for re-writing the organization's constitution and by-laws. IPRA's Member Emertius , Arkansas Chapter of the PR Society of America's Aluminum Award, Public Service Award, and Public Service Award from UALR.

A special commendation from the Arkansas Senate for contributions to Arkansas, advertising and advertising education.

He was a FELLOW of the PR Society of America and the IPRA, the highest honor a professional on academic organization can bestow. Gene also served on the American Advertising Federation (AAF) National Board of Directors 1969-1970, was Governor of the AAF's 10th District in 1969-1970 and president of the Arkansas Advertising Federation 1958-1959 and 1959-1960. During his tenure as advertising and PR instructor at UALR, he was also the Faculty Advisor for the American Advertising Federation College Chapters 1966-1991.

Gene was also a high school and college football official and involved in Little League Baseball from 1958-1972. He is also listed in Who's Who in the World.

A memorial service will be held at 4:00 p.m., Friday, January 6, 2006 at Roller-Chenal Funeral Home Chapel (501)224-8300.

Memorials may be made to Gene G. McCoy Scholarship Fund at UALR or World Wild Life Federation.

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49 Condolence(s)
Alan A. Ables
Saturday, February 4, 2023

Gene Mccoy's lectures, support, "gentleman's 'Cs", war stories and support have been foundational in my life. I often wonder what his comments about today's headlines might be.

Shelley F
, AR
Monday, November 23, 2009

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that God will be with you to comfort and soothe your heart. Psalms 34:18 says that He is near to those broken at heart and saves those crushed in spirit. Always remember the promises found in His Holy Word. Please accept my sincere condolences

Daisy Robles Johnson
Manassas, VA
Friday, July 20, 2007

Gene was my advertising and public relations professor at UALR. We stayed in touch for many, many years after graduation and he even hooked me up with his colleagues in Germany when I moved there. He was a dear and wise mentor to me and I will always remember him with much affection and appreciation. I am truly sorry for your loss.

John Keady
Baton Rouge, LA
Monday, February 19, 2007

Gene was my insturctor at UALR back when it was LRU. I was a student 1967-69 and had him for advertising, journalism, and marketing. He was an excellent teacher and I appreciated all the practical experience he put into each class. I probably learned more from Gene than almost any other instructor. I just happened to stumble upon the notice of his death on the Internet. I'm sorry to hear that the community has lost such a memorable person.

Brenda Scisson
Little Rock, AR
Sunday, February 12, 2006

Del and Family, I extend my sympathy to you and aplogize for not doing so much, much sooner. Gene was a legend in our profession and helped so many people get a start. For me, he was always one who supported me and encouraged me as I worked my way up the career ladder. I had the pleasure of working with your daughter Vicki for a while and I remember coming to your home one time and getting a tasty draft beer from Gene in his den and talking about advertising and PR. I'll never forget that visit. Gene was a man of wisdom and also a man with a big, big heart. Whether it was at UALR, AdCraft of Arkansas, PRSA or Ad Club, you always knew Gene was there doing his part ... and more. I loved him. Best wishes and God be with you during this difficult days, Brenda Scisson

Allen Shifrin
Amarillo, TX
Friday, January 20, 2006

What a wonderful person and I know he will be remembered by many for his good deeds.

O, Joe Russell
Amarillo, TX
Friday, January 20, 2006

A wonderful person who did many things for meny people. I am glad that I can call him a friend.

Melvin L. Sharpe
Muncie, IN
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gene was so special to me as a friend and mentor both in PRSA and IPRA. I know that he served as a role model to so many and influenced so many positively. Perhaps that is among the finest tribute that can be paid to any man. My deepest sympahty and love to Del and his family.

Graham Sudbury
Taos, NM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Gene was truly a rare person and one who will be greatly missed by all who knew him. My sympathy to Del who will have many happy memories to comfort her.

P. Michael McDermott
Riverside, CT
Wednesday, January 18, 2006

To all of Gene's family -- Gene was a consummate public relations professional and a wonderful friend. His wise counsel will be sorely missed in the public relations profession. You are all in my prayers, P. Michael "Mike" McDermott, APR, Fellow PRSA

Joe Swaty, APR
Little Rock, AR
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I was out of town and unable to attend the funeral or visitation.... but I must leave a belated note of how Gene served as my teacher and mentor. My professional career in communications was influenced tremendously by Gene McCoy's wit, wisdom and ethical council on a number of occasions through the years. I will miss him... but memories of his strong voice and guiding principles will always live on in everything I do.

Tracy @ Dr. Rollins
Little Rock, AR
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

In ways big and small, your father's life changed our world and left it a better place. Gene touched too many hearts to EVER be forgotten. I am one of those many people who will always carry special memories in my heart for him and your family.

Chip Culpepper
Little Rock, AR
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My deepest condolences to the McCoy family. Our WWII Heroes take our unfading admiration with them and leave us humbled and grateful for their sacrifices -- and all the better for having known them. Although I was never in a formal classroom with Gene, he was still my tutor in our craft and our responsibilities.

Carol Cassil
Bryant, AR
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Athlete, war veteran, husband, father, teacher, mentor, businessman, friend. Gene has touched many peoples' lives in a lasting, powerful and positive way and he will be missed by many. My condolences to you, Del, and to your children.

Rick DeJulio
McAllen, TX
Monday, January 9, 2006

Gene will be greatly missed.

Patty Hebert
Lake Charles, LA
Monday, January 9, 2006

My heart and my thoughts are on your family as you say goodbye to your sweet husband and father. I will forever remember him lovingly as one of the "old Coots" that have been our wonderful governors of the Tenth. He was indeed a wonderful and talented man.

Natalie Linn
Shreveport, LA
Monday, January 9, 2006

For nearly 50 years Gene & Del McCoy were truly "The First Couple" of AAF's Tenth District! It's been an honor and a joy getting to know them (and their advertising progeny!) over the past 20 years. I always wanted to be seated with the McCoy Clan when "dining" at District events, for one could always count on intelligent, insightful, wise and witty conversation. I celebrate the life of Gene McCoy -- hero, educator, and legendary "ad-gentleman" -- and his soul-mate Del, a pioneering "ad-lady" in her own right. Most of all, I thank Gene & Del for the treasure of my friend-for-life, Sherman McCoy. My heart-felt condolences to Del, Sherman, Randi and all the McCoy family. Love, Nat

Ben McCampbell
Laguna Vista, TX
Monday, January 9, 2006

I feel privileged to have known Mr. McCoy. What a life!

Sherwood, AR
Sunday, January 8, 2006

Miles, Chris, and Randi - I am thinking of you all during this time of loss for your family. May you be strengthened by the memories of your grandfather and father. I know he meant the world to each of you. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you all.

Jim Goodnight
Dallas, TX
Saturday, January 7, 2006

Gene was a great friend to all of us in advertising. He never failed to contribute to the PGA breakfasts at every Tenth District function he could attend. He shared his wealth of experience in that gruff, direct way, and you knew to listen carefully because wisdom was flowing with every word. To Del, Sherman, and the rest of the family, my deepest sympathies. We will miss him.

June & Doug Cerrato
Houston, TX
Friday, January 6, 2006

Del, Vicki, Randi and Sherman: We all share in your loss. Gene will be missed by all of us whose lives he enriched by his friendship and leadership in our industry. He was a good friend and we were blessed to have known him. Our prayers are with you as we share wonderful memories of Gene. May God bless you and keep you in His care. Love, June & Doug

Patrick Henry Beckham
Arlington, TX
Friday, January 6, 2006

Gene, Dell and the "kids" were all good friends of ours and hosted us in their home when i gave a '70s AAF10 Guv visiting speech. The McCoys had their Governor, some guy named Clinton, and his Secretary of State in dear Arkansas...provide me w/a special "Arkansas Traveler" commission, framed now in my den. Dell, tell Sherm and the others how well we remember. pb

Mary Craigo
Shreveport, LA
Friday, January 6, 2006

Dear Sherman, My heart goes out to you and your family. You father was a kind and accomplished gentleman and his memory will be honored by myself and all those lucky enough to have known him. I will keep you, your sweet mother and the rest of you family in my thoughts and prayers. With Love, Mary

Cissy (Coleman) Rucker
Little Rock, AR
Friday, January 6, 2006

"Mr. McCoy" was my instructor at LRU and would be, come to find out, for life. Every few years my phone would ring and it would be "Mr. McCoy". I don't know how but he kept up with my every career move. He would call just to say hello or ask if I would visit with a younger person about career choices. (Not sure if I was a good example or a bad example.) My last visit with him was late 2004 when we met to discuss an official presentation of the Bronze Star he had been awarded many, many years ago. It was a delight to see his face light up as he told me of his time in military service. While it certainly was not always a pleasant time for him, his accomplishments were a source of great pride. I salute him and thank him for his service to our nation. My sincere condolences to your family.

Harry Ottmann
Fort Worth, TX
Friday, January 6, 2006

First met Gene and Del in Amarillo when Gene ran for 2nd Lt. Gov. of District 10. He was elected by a landslide. Worked hard for District programs and on committees. Whatever Gene did was well thought out and successful. He and I have had several associations in common. Both members of SAE fraternity; both involved in the Battle of the Bulge in WW2; Members of Scottish Rite Masons; both Past Governors of District Ten. Our prayers and condolences to the McCoys and especially to Del, a life-long close friend.

Dianna Winters
Conway, AR
Friday, January 6, 2006

Sherman, Randi, Ashley and Del, you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Gene was a remarkable man and he will be missed. God bless you!

Kim Morgan
Little Rock, AR
Friday, January 6, 2006

I am so sorry for you loss.

Eileen Keller
Austin, TX
Friday, January 6, 2006

I am so blessed to have known Gene. His spirit of fair play and respect for others is a constant inspiration for us all.

Crystal Whitman
Shreveport, LA
Friday, January 6, 2006

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Gene will be sorely missed. I'm glad I had the opportunity to know him. The world would be a better place if more people possessed his fine qualities.

Ted Hutchcroft
Morrilton, AR
Friday, January 6, 2006

Gene became a mentor when I moved to Arkansas nearly twenty years ago. We shared an interest in intnerational public relations, something uncommon in our community. He helped me become acquainted with the Arkansas PRSA chapter and nominated me for the Crystal Award, which was much apprciated. We shared an Iowa heritage though followed differing paths before meeting in Arkansas. My wife and I appreciated meeting the McCoy family during Del and Gene's 50th wedding anniversary celebration. I have been blessed to know Gene, regretting only that we didn't meet many years earlier.

Jessie Schmidt
Shreveport, LA
Friday, January 6, 2006

Gene McCoy was always such a kind man to me. I remember his sweet smile and how great it felt to be around him. He had charm and wit.

Bob Steel
Little Rock, AR
Friday, January 6, 2006

It was my privilege and honor to meet this legend in our business and to work with him on several projects over many years. The business he built stands as a monument to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Randy Robertson
Waco, TX
Friday, January 6, 2006

What a fine example and inspiration Gene was for all of us in the advertising industry. He was a dedicated member of the AAF 10th District. That's where so many of us came to know and admire him. What impressed me most about Gene was his dignity and the obvious love for his family. Gene will be missed by all of us.

Ralph Eubanks
Little Rock, AR
Friday, January 6, 2006

The ad business has lost an All-Star, but his legacy will live on in the thousands of advertising practitioners who learned their trade from Gene. Love and prayers to the McCoy family. Ralph Eubanks

Bob Edwards
Little Rock, AR
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Mr. McCoy was one of the men responsible for keeping our country and our world safe and secure when he was called upon. Furthermore, he was one of those after the war with the grit and determination to rebuild this country after the depression and the war, making the USA the great nation it is today. He is an inspiration to me and has always been and I am thankful to have known him. To Mrs. McCoy, Sherm, Randi, and the rest of the family, I want you to know I love you and am thinking of you. God Bless you all. Bob Edwards

Jim Clemons
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Of all the awards and accolades Gene has received, none can be greater than the one I hold for him for the simple but tremendous appreciation of his skill as a teacher. I (as will my family) be forever indebted to him for all I know or have ever known about advertising. I did not know it when I was his student (did I ever stop being one?) but he created a career for me. He nutured me along in his stubborn but loving way. I didn't always agree with him -- but I always understood, appreciated and respected his view -- and I think he felt the same for me, even when I was a "stupid student." From my days at UALR (or was it LRU?), I still remember his well-expressioned rules and sometimes, to this day, quote them. Looking back now, to have known him was one of my greatest treasures and pleasures in life. Another thing Gene taught me was a love of travel to exotic places. While his "formal" funeral takes place, I will be in the jungles of Mexico amidst the cats and crocodiles that he loved. And while there, trust me, I will take a private moment to pay my respects to a truly great man who would love to be there with me and who in many, many ways will indeed be. I extend my highest salute to Gene and my greatest sympathy to the family I know he held so dear. Jim Clemons

Alan Moore
Bossier City, LA
Thursday, January 5, 2006

If I remember correctly, Gene was at the 10th District AAF Spring Conference in San Antonio last April and I finally got to meet him after hearing about him from Natalie Linn and his son Sherman when we were at a conference in Midland a few years ago. A wonderful, elegant gentleman he was and his obit was very impressive. I've been to the Dauchau prison camp in Germany and, after reading that he was there for the liberation of the camp at the end of World War II, I remembered the photos I saw of the liberation and thinking that he was actually there when those photos were taken 60 years ago. Heck, he might have even been in a few of them! He was only 19 at the time. I'm glad to say I've had the pleasure to meet him. Alan

Jim Stuart
Fort Worth, TX
Thursday, January 5, 2006

A passionate, articulate advertising educator and industry leader, Gene McCoy was a dependable resource and friend — a special man. And like many of us in the Tenth District, I feel fortunate to have known him, Del and their family.

Ed Stern
Uvalde, TX
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Del: My condolences to you and your family. I will always remember my visit to your home overlooking the river and all the couresies you and Gene showed me when I was in your home. It was indeed an honor to follow Gene as Govenor of the 10th District. His contributions to AAF, the 10th District and the advertising profession will be remembered forever. Ed Stern

Don & Valerie Sitton
Corpus Christi, TX
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Dearest Del and Sherman, Valerie and I were so sorry to hear of Gene's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. We are unable to make the trip for the funeral,but hopefully we will see you here in Corpus Christi for the District convention in April, which I understand would have been his 50 th convention and the place where he attended his first convention......Gene, Del, Sherman ,THANKS for the great times and the memories......Love Don & Valerie Sitton

Gwynn Slavik
Waco, TX
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Gene was an inspiration to me and truly supported me when I was running for office in the Tenth District Ad Federation. His contributions to our industry will be remembered. Sherman and family - you're in my prayers.

Sherman McCoy
Little Rock, AR
Thursday, January 5, 2006

I love you, Dad

Jennifer McClellan
Little Rock, AR
Thursday, January 5, 2006

Mr. McCoy was my IPR professor at UALR, and I continue to benefit from his experiences and advice. He helped me to find the courage to start my own business, which I still have ten years later. Many times I stopped by AdCraft to seek his wisdom or just to say "hello." Each time, I asked him how he could stand the fumes, and he would laugh his trademark laugh and reply, "What fumes?" I have enormous respect for him and will always hold him in the highest regard. I'm truly sorry for your loss.

Barbara Brewington King
Little Rock, AR
Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Sherman, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your father. You and your family are in my prayers. Barb

Pat Branton
Little Rock, AR
Wednesday, January 4, 2006

I am sorry to hear about the loss of Gene McCoy. If my parents were still alive they would be knocking on your door to see what all they could do to help ease the passing. I grew up hearing your names, I met both of you on several occasions, and I heard my parents speak fondly of you on occasions too numerous to count. They always called you friends. Our family wishes your family all the peace and comfort you can hold, in your time of sorrow.

Don Gold
Temple, TX
Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Vicki, Randi, & Sherman: Your Father was my teacher, mentor, counselor, and friend. His guidance launched my advertising & PR career, and his lessons continue to light my way to this very day. I have, and continue to try to live much of my life by the examples he shared with me. The mark he left on me will last forever, and hopefully has been passed along to others. I know you have all done the same. What a gift he was...what an experience to have had in our lives. I am so grateful to have known him and to have learned from him. Goodbye and God speed, my dear "Mr. McCoy."

Marsha Morgan Hines
Little Rock, AR
Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Mrs. McCoy, Gene McCoy was the most interesting teacher I ever had! When I took his PR class at UALR after graduating from UA/Fayetteville (way back in the 70s), he opened the class by asking "who has had a Public Relations course?" Being the "graduate" in the class, I proudly chimed up that I had the class in Fayetteville. Mr. McCoy said "Then you haven't had a Public Relations course." I quickly learned that he was absolutely correct - his course was far, far better. Years later when I would run into both of you at Krogers it was a pleasure to be remembered by my best PR teacher! My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time. With love, Marsha

Little Rock, AR
Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Gene's guidance and counsel as my Advertising Professor made a lasting impact on my life and career in broadcasting. His real world experiences set him apart from other teachers who had never actually rolled up their sleeves and worked in the advertising arena. His core values and insight have stuck with me like Velcro. To Mrs. McCoy and family: Thank you for sharing Gene with the advertising students at UALR. May peace permeate your home during this time. Jim Grant General Manager KVTN-TV/KVTH-TV/KVTJ-TV Little Rock

Bob Sells
Little Rock, AR
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

May Del and the children recover from this sad day in their lives.