of Germantwon, TN
August 23, 1922 - July 2, 2013
All serivces are private
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Know that our grand Creator Jehovah God is near to those broken at heart and crushed in spirit he saves. He promises us thru his son Jesus that there is going to be a resurrection. Yes! All mankind have the hope of seeing our love ones again. Ps.34:18;John 5:28,29;Rev.21:4
My deepest sympathy to the family, may the many miracles found in the holy scriptures be of comfort to the family and friends during this most difficult time - Romans 15:4; Mark 5; John 11. One day soon, Jesus Christ will perform these same miracues, but on a much larger scale - John 5:27-29; Revelation 21:3, 4; Psalms 83:18.